Ipratropium Bromide

  • 网络异丙托溴铵;异丙托品;溴化异丙托品;异丙托溴胺;异丙阿托品
Ipratropium BromideIpratropium Bromide
  1. Effects of ipratropium bromide on bronchodilation in patients with asthma and COPD


  2. There were no significant change of adrenoreceptor density after ipratropium bromide and theophylline therapy .


  3. Combined Application of Salbutamol and Ipratropium Bromide in the Treatment of Bronchial Asthma in Children


  4. Combined Salbutamol and Ipratropium Bromide by inhalation in the Treatment of Child Asthma


  5. Ipratropium bromide and salbutamol reversed the effect of asthma on BK Ca channel .


  6. Observation on clinically curative effects of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide on immediate remission of asthma


  7. Ipratropium Bromide in the Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis


  8. Compound ipratropium bromide solution for inhalation with combination of corticosteroids effects in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


  9. To observe the efficacy of budesonide . salbutamol and ipratropium bromide treat bronchiolitis


  10. Nebulizations of terbutaline plus ipratropium bromide for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


  11. Fenoterol and ipratropium bromide inhalation alone or combined in treatment of childhood acute paroxysm of asthma


  12. Purpose : to observe the effect of combined inhalation therapy of Salbutamol and Ipratropium Bromide on children with acute asthma episode .


  13. Objective To investigate the effect of ipratropium bromide and atropine on airway mucin hypersecretion in the chronic bronchitis model of rats .


  14. Conclusion : Atomization inhalation with ipratropium bromide or salbutamol is more effective than aminophylline in treatment of asthmatic diseases in children .


  15. ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of the oxygen-driven ipratropium bromide nebulization with mask oxygen inhalation devices in patients with conscious disturbance .


  16. The average recoveries of ipratropium bromide and benzalkonium chloride were 102.0 % and 98.6 % respectively . The method is accurate and simple .


  17. To compare consistency of 200 μ g albuterol and 80 μ g Ipratropium Bromide as bronchodilator in pulmonary function test in COPD patients .


  18. Significant decrease in the number of tracheal epithelia goblet cells , secretion of mucin were observed in ipratropium bromide and atropine treated rats .


  19. MethodsCompared the treatment of the oxygen-driven ipratropium bromide nebulization with mask oxygen inhalation devices and traditional oxygen with nasal catheter .


  20. The inhibitory effect of ipratropium bromide with salbutamol on the contraction of guinea pig tracheal strips induced by histamine and KCl .


  21. Objective To investigate the effective and safety of nebulized budesonide suspension plus Albuterol and ipratropium bromide inhaled in treatment of attack of asthma in children .


  22. Objective To observe the effect of inhaled ipratropium bromide on airway and lung tissue muscarinic receptors ( MR ) in a rat model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .


  23. After β 2 agonist and β 2 agonist combine with ipratropium bromide therapy , the adrenoreceptor density were significantly lower than before ( P < 0.01 ) .


  24. Conclusion : The adrenoreceptor will be down regulated after long β 2 agonist therapy . There were no changes of adrenoreceptor after ipratropium bromide and theophylline therapy .


  25. Objective : To compare the effect of ipratropium bromide ( IPB ) with sulbutamol ( SA ), on bronchodilatation in patients with asthma and COPD .


  26. 0.25 ~ 1.0 mL of salbutamol or ipratropium bromide was diluted to 2 mL with 0.9 % sodium chloride solution for nebulization , 2 ~ 4 times a day .


  27. Objective To compare the effects of varying doses of inhaled ipratropium bromide ( TPB ) and the impact on lung function and exercise tolerance using progressive cycle ergometry in patients with stable COPD .


  28. Conclusion : Treatment of infantile asthmatoid bronchitis with aerosol inhalation of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide was found to relieve symptoms shorten the course of the disease , and improve the prognosis .


  29. Conclusions : These bronchodilator agents routinely used can improve the symptom of dyspnea in severe COPD patients at stable stage , but the effects of combined administration of fenoterol and ipratropium bromide are obviously more satisfactory .


  30. Method : 40 stable asthma patients and 10 health volunteers were involved into our study . The asthma patients were treated with ipratropium bromide ,β 2 agonist , ipratropium bromide and agonist , and theophylline randomly .
